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We all started
at some point.

Embracing beginners is our ethos.  Experience Crossfit

Getting fitness started at Crossfit Bondi

Experience Crossfit first-hand with a Free Trial Class!

Getting started with your fitness has never been easier. Our experienced trainers will scale a workout to suit your current fitness level whilst delivering you a true CrossFit experience – no obligations, no cost. CrossFit Bondi’s soul is shaped by its welcoming and open member community were embracing beginners is a part of the ethos. After all, we all started at some point and the journey to be better everyday never stops.

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Complete the starter course

CrossFit Bondi, by design, is built to give members the tools to reach their personalised fitness goals. Support is given through both state-of-the-art equipment and through professional, educated trainer guidance. The Starter Course comprises of one-hour sessions, three times a week for 4 weeks. It includes warm up and skill transfer drills, followed by a workout incorporating the new skills learned to allow adaptation of the movements under volume and stress, as well as access to our mobility and yoga classes.

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Forget paying gym joining fees only to pay extra for fitness coaching!

Packages are designed to be all-inclusive and flexible. Giving you unlimited access to over 37+ CrossFit classes every week with experienced coaches to guide you every step of the way. No joining fees. No additional charges.

Meet the team and get started on your fitness!

Quinton Smit
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Emilie Hogan
Team Coach
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