CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Metcon (Distance) Max Row in 5 Min Testing Component Metcon (Calories) Max Bike Cal in 5 Min Testing Component 20 Min AMRAP (AMRAP – Rounds…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Gymnastics Pull Up Complex Test Max In 1 Min Strict Pull Ups Rest 2 Min Muscle Ups Rest 2 Min Kipping Pull Ups Gymnastic Conditioning 8…
CrossFit Bondi – BONDI BARBELL CLUB Weightlifting Good Mornings (4 * 5) Snatch Balance Pause Snatch Balance (pause for 2 seconds in the bottom 4 * 3 Power Snatch Power…
CrossFit Bondi – BEAST Metcon (Time) Lifting Pause Snatch Balance (pause for 2 seconds in the bottom): 3,3,2,2,1,1,1 Pause Snatch (pause in the bottom for 3 seconds) + Pause OHS:…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Announcement Next week we start with testing as of 13 Jan formal 12 week program starts of. Metcon (No Measure) 3 Rounds of Everything 2…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Weightlifting 3 Pos Snatch 5 rounds Every 90 Sec 1 high hang snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch (Work up to a max for…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work HSPU Development 4 Rounds 8 Seated Z – Press (Building Weight) 20 Banded Tricep Push Downs 30 Sec Handstand Hold Metcon Metcon (Time) 75x…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Hatch Squat Cycle 1/12 (60%x 10 reps, 70%x 8 reps, 75%x 6 reps, 80%x 4 rep) Back squat Front Squat (60%x 5 reps, 70%x…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Front Squat (60%x 5 reps, 65%x 5 reps, 70%x 5 reps x 2 sets.) Front Squat Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Modified…
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