CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Metcon (No Measure) 20 Min EMOM 1. 5 Devils Press (22.5/15 Kg) 2. 7 Burpee Box Jumps 3. 12/9 Cal Ski. 4. 15/12 Cal Bike…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Skill Work Snatch Snatch Skill 6 Min EMOM Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch Strength Work Stamina Squating 10 Min EMOM Odd : 1 Front Squat…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) Lifting Build to heavy triple muscle snatch (Reset each lift) Build to heavy pause power snatch + pause hang snatch (3 sec pause in…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Weightlifting Squat Clean Squat Clean Min 1 – 2 – 3: 3 Squat Cleans Min 4: Rest Min 5 – 6 – 7: 2 Squat Cleans…
CrossFit Bondi – THURSDAY THROW DOWN Metcon Metcon (Time) In Pairs Complete 10 Rounds 3 Squat Snatch (155/105) 6 Overhead Squats 9 Power Clean and Jerks 60 Double Unders (Accumulated)…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Snatch Grip Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 * 3 @ 100 – 110% (Snatch) Super Single Leg Hinges 4/4 Lat Box Step Up Skill Work…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Metcon (No Measure) 40 Min EMOM 1: 15/12 Cal Row 2: 15 KB Swing (32/24 Kg) 3: Rest 4: 12/9 Cal Ski 5: 15 KB…
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