CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Snatch 10 Min EMOM Odd: 1 muscle snatch + 1 Snatch balance (no dip) Even: 3 max height box jump Snatch 5 * Every…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work MU Progression 4 Rounds 5 Strict/Weighted Pull Ups 10 DB Supine Pull Overs 20 Sec Plate OH Hollow Hold MU Progression 5 MIn Accumulate…
CrossFit Bondi – BONDI BARBELL CLUB Weightlifting Muscle Clean Muscle Clean 4 * 2 Tall Clean 4 * 3 @ 40% (Reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Squat Hatch Back squat 60%x 5 reps 70%x 3 reps 80%x 2 reps 90%x 2 reps 95%x 1 rep. Front Squat Hatch Front squat…
CrossFit Bondi – BEAST Metcon (Time) Lifting Muscle Snatch + OHS + Tall Snatch + Sotts Press: (1+1+1+3) x 3 Snatch Pull to mid thigh + Snatch: (1+1) x 4…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Metcon (Time) In Pairs 5 Rounds 200m Row 20 Devils Press (22.5/15 Kg) 20 Cal Bike 40 DB Lunges 200m Ski 60 KB Swings (24/16…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Deadlift + Press 11 Deadlifts + 13 Jerks 11 Deadlifts + 11 Jerks 11 Deadlifts + 9 Jerks 11 Deadlifts + 7 Jerks 11…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Weightlifting Clean Complex 7 Rounds- Every 90 sec 1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + Jerk (work up to a heavy set for the…
CrossFit Bondi – THURSDAY THROW DOWN Metcon Metcon (Time) In Pairs 10 Rounds 21 C2B 15 Burpees 9 Snatches (185/135) 400 M Run
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Front Squat Hatch Front squat 60%x 5 reps 60%x 5 reps 60%x 5 reps 60%x 5 reps. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)…
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