CrossFit Bondi – THURSDAY THROW DOWN Metcon Metcon (Time) In Pairs 50 Cal Bike Karen 50 Cal Bike Grace 50 Cal Ski Isabel 50 Cal Ski Diane
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Metcon (Time) 2000 M Row with EMOM 1. 3 Burpees 2. 5 DB Push Press (22.5/15 Kg) Into 600 M Run Into 2000 M Ski…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Gymnastics Metcon (No Measure) 4 Rounds Not for Time 6 – 8 Strict Pull Ups 4 DB Split Snatch 4 DB Split Jerk 30 Sec Hand…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Metcon Metcon (Time) In Pairs 3 Rounds 600m Run 30 Wall Balls 20 Deadlifts (245/185) 10 Burpees over bar Then 3 Rounds 600m Run 30 SOH…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Bench 4 Rounds 3 Bench Press @ 90% Into Max Unbroken Push Ups 12 Alt DB Curls Into Max Unbroken False Grip Ring Rows…
CrossFit Bondi – THURSDAY THROW DOWN Metcon Metcon (Time) In Pairs 100 Clean & Jerks (135/95) (Every time you drop the Bar 5 synchro burpees) 75 Pull Ups (Every time…
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