The Boring Part of CrossFit: Recovery & Restoration Training hard in CrossFit is exhilarating. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of conquering your personal bests, feeling the rush of adrenaline,…
The Boring Part of CrossFit: Recovery & Restoration Training hard in CrossFit is exhilarating. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of conquering your personal bests, feeling the rush of adrenaline,…
One of My All-Time Biggest Peeves: The Concept 2 Rower Damper Settings One of my all-time biggest peeves when going to a commercial gym is when I approach the Concept…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Squat Hatch Back squat 60%x5 reps 70%x3 reps 80%x 2 reps 90%x 2 reps 95%x 1 rep Establish new max. Metcon Metcon (Time) 30…
CrossFit Bondi – THURSDAY THROW DOWN Metcon Metcon (Time) Two Parts (with a Partner) Part A: “The Break Up” E2MOM for As Long As Possible: 0: 1 Push Press (125/85…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Clean & Jerk 10 * Every 90 Sec 2 hang clean + 1 jerk (work up to a max for the day) Metcon Metcon…
CrossFit Bondi – BONDI BARBELL CLUB Strength Work 3 Pos Power Clean Complex Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + High Hang Power Clean 1 * 3 @50% 1 *3…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work 4/8 Weeks MU 4 Rounds Max Beat Swings Max Weight Strict/Weighted Pull Ups 30 Weighted Hollow Hold Skill Work MU Skills 5 MIn Spend…
CrossFit Bondi – CROSSFIT Strength Work Squat Hatch Back squat 60%x5 reps 65%x5 reps 70%x 5 reps 75%x 5 rep Front Squat Hatch Front squat 60%x 5 reps 65%x 5…
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