CrossFit Bondi – BEAST
Metcon (Time)
1) Power clean + clean + jerk: Work up to a max for the day of:
-1x power clean + 1x squat clean+ 1x jerk.
Once you establish a max for the day, then:
2) 10 rounds – Every 30 seconds, complete:
-1x power clean + 1x squat clean. Start with the same weight established in portion 1 across the 10 sets. If you fail 2 sets in a row, decrease the weight by feel.
2) Push press: 75%x5, 80%x3, 85%x3 reps, 90%x2 rep, 95%x1+ rep.
Work Capacity:
1) Complete 5 rounds for time of:
-5x thruster (155#/105#)
-4x box jump (36″/30″)
-3x bar muscle up
*Rest 2 minutes after the 5th round, then:
2) For time:
-200m prowler push (Your call on the weight).
Accessory work: 3 rounds:
-Max effort L-set (If more than 60 seconds, make it weighted).
-rest 90 seconds